Wmu Course Offerings (2025)

1. WMU Course Offerings

  • Summer II 2024 Course ...

  • Welcome to WMU's course offerings! To view the schedule, first select the term, then you can select any combination of campus, instructional method, subject, instructor and course number to find the courses of interest to you. Click on the course title to see the course description, pre-requisites, restrictions, course fees, as well as other additional information related to the course. Textbook information is also provided, as available.

2. Course Offerings - Western Michigan University

  • There are two ways to view available courses—course lookup and goWMU.

  • Western Michigan University holds classes on the main campus in Kalamazoo, at our downtown Grand Rapids location and online. To register for classes at WMU, you must first be an admitted student and resolve any holds that you may have. Registration is based on the number of credit hours earned. Please visit your advisor for registration assistance. Please see the Admissions website for admissions information.

3. Fall 2024 Course Offerings - Western Michigan University

  • Open Learning - self-paced, undergraduate online courses with flexible start/end dates; students have up to 6 months to complete the course.

4. Catalogs | Western Michigan University

  • This online catalog is a powerful tool to help you quickly locate undergraduate and graduate programs and courses.

  • The online catalog management system—acalog™—contains a number of features to assist you, including advanced search options, intuitive navigation and a personal portfolio to store favorite programs and courses. This online catalog is a powerful tool to help you quickly locate undergraduate and graduate programs and courses whether you are a prospective student or already enrolled at Western Michigan University. Not all courses listed in this catalog are offered every semester. It is important to visit your academic advisor on a regular basis to stay on track to graduate.

5. 40655 ENGL 1050 - WMU Course Offerings

  • This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 1: Foundations – Writing Category. Additional Information. Campus: Main Schedule Type: Lecture/Lab ...

  • A foundational writing course offering students practice and guidance in the strategies and behaviors that contribute to success in written communication and information literacy. Emphasis on the production, reception, and revision of writing for varied audiences, situations, and information needs. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 1: Foundations – Writing Category.

6. Coursicle | Plan your schedule and get into classes

7. Florida Memorial University – The official website of FMU.

  • From Communications to Chemistry, to Social Work to Cybersecurity to Aviation Management, FMU's extensive course offerings in high demand fields will help you ...

  • Florida Memorial University is a private coeducational institution with the distinction of being one of the oldest academic centers in the state, and the only historically Black university in South Florida.

8. SIMnet keep I.T. simple! | McGraw Hill Higher Education

  • SIMnet is a leading training and assessment platform for developing students' skills in Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook!

  • SIMnet is an online training and assessment solution for Microsoft Office. Providing students with life-long access and unlimited practice on Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and more.

9. 15365 PSCI 3040 - Intro Public Policy - WMU Course Offerings

  • An introduction to the U.S. public policy process through the use of general models and case studies. Various inputs of power and influence are analyzed as ...

  • An introduction to the U.S. public policy process through the use of general models and case studies. Various inputs of power and influence are analyzed as proposals are considered in policy-making institutions. The roles of public officials, interest groups, lobbyists, opinion leaders, experts and others are analyzed. Evaluations of policies are made with respect to their perceived need, appropriateness and effectiveness. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 3: Connections – Local and National Perspectives Category.

10. Bursaries for 2025 studies in South Africa

  • Changing Courses at University · 2025 University Applications · NSFAS 2024 ... TETA Scholarship at WMU · TFG Fellowship Bursary · Tiso Foundation Archibald ...

  • A list of ALL bursaries available in South Africa, for the 025 academic year. Apply now to receive funding for your University/ College studies.

11. Fall 2023 CRN: 44632 FCS 1090 - WMU Course Offerings

  • Students will engage in diverse thinking, activities, and actions to live a humanity-sustaining future. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 1: ...

12. Course Offerings - Grand Rapids - Western Michigan University

  • You can search all available WMU courses in one place on the WMU Course Offerings page, including online and regional location offerings.

  • Courses become available for searching approximately one month before registration begins for an upcoming semester or session. You can search all available WMU courses in one place on the WMU Course Offerings page, including online and regional location offerings.

13. 16379 IPE 3050 - Pura Vida Hlth in Costa Rica - WMU Course Offerings

  • Course is an interdisciplinary course conducted outside the United States by WMU faculty in CHHS or others associated with WMU. All IPE 3050/6050 courses are ...

  • Course is an interdisciplinary course conducted outside the United States by WMU faculty in CHHS or others associated with WMU. All IPE 3050/6050 courses are taught with a portion of the course being set in a country whose primary language is other than English, and whose health and human services systems and processes are in contrast to that of the United States. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 2: Exploration and Discovery – World Language and Culture Category. May be repeated for credit.

14. 45670 GIST 3100 - Global Studies in the Field - WMU Course Offerings

  • This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 2: Exploration and Discovery – Societies and Cultures Category. This course also meets the Diversity and ...

  • Students are provided with an introduction to historical, political, artistic, and social institutions in the international location(s) of study. While gaining an appreciation for both what is common and what is different relative to the United States, students will develop sensitivity to diversity and inclusion both at home and abroad. Lessons learned about the world beyond us are more effectively absorbed when we pair academic preparation with our boots on the ground in the country of study. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 2: Exploration and Discovery – Societies and Cultures Category. This course also meets the Diversity and Inclusion student learning outcome. May be repeated for credit.

15. Fall 2023 CRN: 45131 ENGL 1050 - WMU Course Offerings

  • A foundational writing course offering students practice and ... This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 1: Foundations – Writing Category.

  • A foundational writing course offering students practice and guidance in the strategies and behaviors that contribute to success in written communication and information literacy. Emphasis on the production, reception, and revision of writing for varied audiences, situations, and information needs. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 1: Foundations – Writing Category.

16. 44346 IPE 3050 - WMU Course Offerings

  • Course is an interdisciplinary course conducted outside the United States by WMU faculty in CHHS or others associated with WMU. All IPE 3050/6050 courses are ...

  • Course is an interdisciplinary course conducted outside the United States by WMU faculty in CHHS or others associated with WMU. All IPE 3050/6050 courses are taught with a portion of the course being set in a country whose primary language is other than English, and whose health and human services systems and processes are in contrast to that of the United States. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 2: Exploration and Discovery – World Language and Culture Category. May be repeated for credit.

17. 21756 PSCI 2500 - Internatl Relations - WMU Course Offerings

  • This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 1: Foundations – Inquiry and Engagement: Critical Thinking in the Arts and Humanities Category. Additional ...

  • A study of the nature of the international community and the forces which produce cooperation and conflict. Particular attention is given to analyzing power in terms of its acquisition and uses. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 1: Foundations – Inquiry and Engagement: Critical Thinking in the Arts and Humanities Category.

18. Spring 2023 CRN: 12042 ENGL 2100 - WMU Course Offerings

  • This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 2: Exploration and Discovery – Artistic Theory and Practice Category. Additional Information. Campus: Main

  • Studies in the motion picture as art form. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 2: Exploration and Discovery – Artistic Theory and Practice Category.

19. Spring 2021 Course Offerings - Western Michigan University

  • Compressed Video Semester - courses taught using compressed video interactive television, CVIT. CVIT is a video over internet protocol system that provides a ...

20. 45011 FCS 4120 - Family Policy - WMU Course Offerings

  • ... listed under the Textbook Return Policy. For more information on programs at Western Michigan University, please go to http://catalog.wmich.edu/.

  • This course will explore the reciprocal linkages between family functioning and public and private policies in this country and across the globe. Students will explore in what ways families contribute to social problems, how families are affected by these problems, and whether families should be involved in policy solutions. Students will assess the consequences policies may have for family well-being. The course will include theoretical frameworks for conceptualizing family policy, roles professionals can play in building family policy, and approaches professionals can use in implementing these roles. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 3: Connections – Local and National Perspectives Category.

21. Summer I 2021 CRN: 21580 GWS 1000 - WMU Course Offerings

  • The course investigates how films, television, music videos and advertising present images of women and men to different audiences. This course satisfies WMU ...

  • The course investigates how films, television, music videos and advertising present images of women and men to different audiences. This course satisfies WMU Essential Studies Level 1: Foundations - Inquiry and Engagement Category.

Wmu Course Offerings (2025)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.